
Looking for your home can be an exciting milestone, but with so much to remember, stress and worry can easily trickle into the mix of emotions. When it comes to property viewings, it isn’t uncommon for us to put our blinkers on and see the space for what it is there and then, décor an all, when we in fact should be looking deeper.

Whilst décor and layout can be beneficial in allowing you to see what sized furniture could fit where, there are a handful of other points which should take place higher up the priority list. Today, we walk you through the things that you should look for to ensure that you make a cost-effective purchase in which you can feel confident and comfortable. What more could you ask for?

  • Is there damp present in the property?

    The main giveaway that damp is present in the property will be the smell. You may also see water-staining on walls or ceilings, or find paint of plaster that is flaking off of the walls. If the paintwork looks fresh, it could be worth asking why they decided to repaint, just in case they did so to cover up any staining on the walls.

  • Does the building appear to be structurally sound?

    Take a look for large cracks along ceilings, windows or walls. These will be tell-tale signs that the house has experienced some movement. Hiring the assistance of a surveyor will grant you a second opinion on this factor.

  • Which direction does the house face?

    Whilst this might not sound like a big factor at this stage, buying a house and realising that you get minimal sunlight hours during the summer can be upsetting. Getting ahead of yourself to check the direction of your house and garden can allow you to understand the levels of light and warmth you could expect.

  • What quality is the roof in?

    Roofs can often go unnoticed, that is until it is too late. A roof repair can be extremely expensive and incredibly inconvenient after purchasing a new home. It is worth asking when it was laid (you could request proof of this) and taking a look at its condition if possible.

  • What quality is the plumbing in?

    In the same way as above, having to call a plumber out as soon as you move in wouldn’t be ideal. You should check the water pressure from all taps and showers, check that all pipes are insulated and that there are no lead pipes in the property. You should also check the boiler, ask when it was installed and last serviced, and check the heating system.

  • Is there a loft space?

    If there is loft space, it is always worth taking a look as this space can hold so much potential. Whether it be for storage or a future conversion, understanding how much space you have to play with will be vital. You should also check the insulation to ensure you can be as energy efficient as possible.

  • What is the location like?

    As perfect as the house may be, have you taken a look at the location it is based in? Locating it on a map is one thing, but you may also benefit from a walk or drive around the area to see it for yourself. Check for locations which could bring anti-social behaviour at night, such as pubs or restaurants which could generate noise. You should also check the location of shops and schools, and see if there is a transport link that allows you to get there easily should you not be able to drive.

Are you moving home? Our removal team at Mitchells Moving Company are on hand to make the process hassle-free, and even enjoyable! For pointers on things to look out for when viewing your future home, or to enquire about any of our services, get in touch.